Daily & Weekly Allergy Hacks

All that sniffling and sneezing can be annoying. Fortunately, following these easy steps can help you to manage your allergies more effectively and enable you to make the most out of your day.

Daily & Weekly Allergy Hacks

All that sniffling and sneezing can be annoying. Fortunately, following these easy steps can help you to manage your allergies more effectively and enable you to make the most out of your day.

Tips for Allergy Sufferers

1. Switch Up Your Routine

Allergens from dust mites , mold spores, pet dander and pollen can stick to your body, clothes and hair. To help minimise your exposure, make it a habit to remove your shoes at the door, change your clothes, and wash your hands and face when you step inside your home. If your child is prone to allergies, be sure to instil this habit in them as well.

2. Shower at Night

Taking a shower before you go to bed at night can help to ensure that allergens which may have gotten stuck on your hair or skin don’t get transported onto your bed when you lie down to rest. If your child is prone to allergies, giving them a bath before bed at night will help to minimise their risk of suffering an allergic reaction.

3. Squeeze in a Power Cleaning

Dust accumulation in your home is inevitable. However, you can reduce house dust build-up by devoting a minimum of 10 minutes a day to dusting and vacuuming your home. Be sure to use a damp sponge (a dry cloth can stir up allergens) when wiping down surfaces, and mop the floors of your home regularly. When using a vacuum cleaner at home, ensure that it comes with a HEPA filter or double-vacuum bag. If you are prone to allergies, then it would be best for you to delegate these chores to another member of the family. Alternatively, you can also opt to wear a protective mask and gloves while cleaning to minimize your exposure to allergens from dust mites and pet dander.

4. Wash Away Allergens

To prevent allergens from building up in your bedding or blankets, wash them in hot water (at least 54oC)once every week.1 Be sure to follow the instructions provided for safe and effective cleaning of your bedding and blankets, and dry clean if required.

5. Monitor Moisture Levels

A hygrometer is an instrument that is used to measure the humidity of the air, and can be easily purchased from most hardware stores.4 When the humidity level rises above 50%, place a dehumidifier in a damp area of your home to keep the humidity level in check.

6. Keep Allergy Meds on Hand

Alas, sometimes taking preventive measures isn't always enough. As such, it is always important to always have your allergy medication on hand. That way, if your allergy symptoms start to flare up, you can take your medication and get back to enjoying your day.

7. Teach Kids to Be Allergy-Smart

It is completely normal for children to get distracted by all the fun activities during their day, that they forget to stay away from possible allergens which may trigger an allergic reaction. But you can help them understand their condition and help minimize their exposure to allergens with these easy tips.